Comment history with trulyandnever
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 comments
If I had the chance (&/or were allowed) I think I'd paint my room every shade of green imaginable :) I just love the colour. Scholarships.. eh, I dunno. I just think they're less common. Only very few people ever get them- they may even be two totally different things :S We do loads of things way different down here :)
My hair rarely does any kind of curly. Nevermind cool :(
Haha, thank you! Yeah, my room is crazy. When I was first painting it I decided to go with 3 really bold colors. For awhile it was great, I love reds, golds and blues, so it matched everything in my room. And then I started to realize it's not relazing at all. So I think I'll repaint it one day.
Here in the US scholarships are a must have o.o! The teachers ram it into your head that your going to need them. Is it less expensive there or...?
The dizzy one is one of my favorites too, haha. It looks like I have makeup around my eye because of the bad lighting, and my hair is doing a cool curly. I never wear makeup and my hair never looks amazing. So there's photography for you, haha.
4 kids.. wow, you'd think there'd be more. As for the 2... lucky! on their part. Cant say I've even considered a scholarship- they're not that big here in Aussie I think but they do definatly exist. I'll check into it, sounds alot cheaper >_>
Your room is so colourful. A bit random, I know. & I love the photo titled "dizzy". The colour and blur/motion is.. woaey.
Haha, yeah I know what you mean. When I first started 12th grade I was wondering if I was going to get over it or not. Turns out not, at least not yet. Look around for some good schools so you can work up ways to get scholerships! I went to a college that offerd a 100% pay if your pictures were good enough, and only FOUR KIDS enterd, and two got the scholarship! I was kicking myself.
Thank yeew for the add ^^ Your page is vury awesome >< & your photography is... well wow- brilliant! :) Oddly enough, I want to study photography once I hit uni (college) aswell. Dont know if its a passing fancy and/or if I'll get over it eventually or not... but at the moment, its all see myself wanting to do :P Weird coincidence;
:flowers for you: :D